Let’s read some stories, bounce to rhymes and songs, and play with our friends! Best for ages birth-18 months; siblings of all ages are welcome.
Join us for early literacy storytime and learning through songs, rhymes, books, and movement! Best for ages 18 months to two years; siblings of all ages are welcome.
Library programs, events, and activities are free and open to the public.
Stories, rhymes, and concepts to help young learners get ready for school. Best for ages 3-5; siblings of all ages are welcome.
Enjoy bigger diamond painting fun, and conversation! Bring your own project to work on or choose from one the Library provides. Project design choices are first come, first served upon arrival.
Library programs, events, and activities are free and open to the public.
Join the Annik Paranormal team at the Oconomowoc Public Library to learn about the tools and techniques used when investigating paranormal activity.
Library programs, events, and activities are free and open to the public.